Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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12. Juni 2019

Ilya Pavlyukevich (Friedrich  Schiller University Jena)

Small  noise behavior of Levy-driven Langevin equations

We  consider a second-order Langevin equation for the motion of a particle subject to a non-linear friction force being a power of the particle's  velocity, $F=-|v|^\beta \sign(v)$, $\beta\in\mathbb R$, and random  Levy-perturbations, and determine the law of the displacement process  in the limit of the small noise amplitude. This a joint work with  Alexei Kulik, Wroclaw.

Andrei Pilipenko (Ukrainian  National Academy of Sciences and Kiev Polytechnic Institute)

On  a selection problem for small noise perturbation of unstable
dynamical  systems

We  study a limit behavior of an ordinary differential equation with
non-Lipschitz  coefficients that are perturbed by a small noise.
Perturbed  equations may have unique solutions while the initial ODE does not have a unique solution. Hence, if perturbed SDEs converge when an intensity of the noise tend to zero, then their limit may be interpreted  as a natural selection of a solution to the initial ODE.

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