Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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4. Dezember 2019

Giulio Romani (Uni Halle)

Bifurcations and nonlinear eigenvalues in Maxwell's equations


In this talk I will present some recent results about bifurcation  of small solutions for the time-harmonic Maxwell's equation in R^3 in presence  of straight interfaces between layers of different materials (dielectrics and/or  metals). A suitable ansatz leads us to a nonlinear Schrödinger equation which  depends nonlinearly also on the frequency, here considered as a spectral  parameter. For some configurations of the materials we find an eigenpair and  from it we are able to prove the existence of a branch of small solutions and to  provide their asymptotic expansion. These results are part of an ongoing project in collaboration with Tomáš  Dohnal (MLU Halle).

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