Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg


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Die Professur für Angewandte Analysis und die Professur für Funktionalanalysis veranstalten gemeinsam ein Oberseminar. Dieses findet üblicherweise dienstags von 16:15 - 17:15 Uhr in Seminarraum 2 im Georg-Cantor-Haus statt.

Sommersemester 2024

25. Juni 2024

Nikolas Hecht (MLU)

Distributions and distributional solutions of PDEs

Yuhuang Lu (MLU)

Analysis of linear Mullins equation from sintering

18. Juni 2024

Helene Cyris (MLU)

Spectrum of Fredholm operators and its applications

Maximilian Scholl (MLU)

Asymptotic analysis for singular wave equations modelling MEMS

11. Juni 2024

Sarah Schmohl (MLU)

Spectrum decomposition and application to scattering

Johann Gebhardt (MLU)

Brouwer fixed point theorem and applications

4. Juni 2024

Thomas Kalmes (TU Chemnitz)

Linear topological invariants for kernels of differential operators

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28. Mai 2024

Filip Soudsky (TU Liberec)

A new pointwise estimate for intermediate derivative and the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality

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21. Mai 2024

Mats Ehrnstrom (NTNU Trondheim)

On two new constructions of solitary waves of the nonlinear and nonlocally dispersive Whitham equation

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14. Mai 2024

Arjit Pathania (MLU)

Sobolev embedding theorem and applications

30. April 2024

Jamal Berakdar (MLU)

Spiral galaxy-type formation in interacting many-body motion

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16. April 2024

Illia Karabash (Uni Bonn)

Applications of homogenization and optimal control to eigenoscillations of leaky optical microresonators

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Wintersemester 2023/2024

16. Januar 2024

Amru Hussein (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau)

Maximal Lp-regularity and H-calculus for block operator matrices and applications

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09. Januar 2024

Helmut Abels (Universität Regensburg)

Approximation of Incompressible Two-Phase Flows by Diffuse Interface Models

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19. Dezember 2023

Daniel Tietz (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology)

Regularity of infinity for parabolic equations

05. Dezember 2023

Sebastian Ohrem (KIT)

Breather solutions to quasilinear wave equations

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28. November 2023

Giulio Romani (Università dell'Insubria Varese)

Schrödinger-Poisson systems in Sobolev limiting cases

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21. November 2023

Robert Skiba (Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Universität Torun)

Applications of the topological degree to differential equations

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14. November 2023

Lukas Koch (MPI MIS Leipzig)

Geometric linearisation for optimal transport with p-cost

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3. November 2023, 10:15

Roland Schnaubelt (KIT)

Error analysis of the Lie splitting for semilinear wave equations at H^1-regularity

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17. Oktober 2023

Hermann Schulz-Baldes (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)

The spectral localizer: an overview

Sommersemester 2023

19. Juli 2023, 10:30 in VSP1, 3.31

Chaofeng Zhu (Nankai University)

Global Mountain Pass Points and Applications to Minimal Period Problems in Hamiltonian Systems

Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek (Roskilde University)

The Calderón Projection for Elliptic Differential Operators on Manifolds with Boundary: Concept, Meaning, and Deformation Properties

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18. Juli 2023

Erik Schwob (MLU)

Wellenpakete in der eindimensionalen quasilinaren Wellengleichung aus der nichtlinearen Optik

Maximilian Hanisch (MLU)

Spectral properties and bifurcations of surface plasmons in periodic structures

11. Juli 2023

Nenad Teofanov (Universität Novi Sad)

Localization Operators and Density Matrices

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05. Juli 2023 (Mittwoch!), 16:15 in SR 2.

Thomas Rot (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

From the infinite to the finite

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16. Mai 2023

Mriganka Shekhar Chaki (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)

Wave Propagation in a Magneto-Electro-Elastic Composite Periodic Structure: An Asymptotic Homogenization Approach

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09. Mai 2023

Nathanael Skrepek (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)

Semi-uniform stability of Maxwell’s equations via boundary feedback

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18. April 2023

Christian Engström (Lund University)

Spectral properties of rational operator functions

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Wintersemester 2022/2023

7. Februar 2023

Philipp Reiter (Technische Universität Chemnitz)

Impermeability in nonlinear elasticity models

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31. Januar 2023

Dirk Pauly (Technische Universität Dresden)

Hilbert Complexes and PDEs

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17. Januar 2023

Michael Plum (KIT)

Computer-assisted existence and multiplicity proofs for semilinear elliptic boundary value problems

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10. Januar 2023

Mathias Schäffner (MLU)

Quantitative homogenization in nonlinear elasticity for small loads

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1. Dezember 2022

16:15 (Hybrid-Vortrag, Hörsaal 1.04, VSP 1)

Jiří Felcman (Karls-Universität Prag)

On the verification of the pedestrian evacuation model

(Teilnahme via Zoom:   )

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22. November 2022

Mathias Ionescu-Tira (MLU)


Sommersemester 2022

28. Juni 2022

Alejandro Aceves (Southern Methodist University Dallas)

Modeling optical pulses under novel dispersion and diffraction schemes

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24. Mai 2022

14:15-15:15 in Raum VSP 1, 1.26

Heiko Gimperlein (Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck)

Fractional diffusion: Modelling, analysis, numerical approximation

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18. Mai 2022

15:00-16:00 in Raum VSP 1, Hörsaal 1.04

Carina Geldhauser (Lund University)

Discrete models for atmospheric turbulence

17. Mai 2022

10:30-11:30 in Raum VSP 1, Hörsaal 1.04

Mathias Schäffner (TU Dortmund)

Regularitätstheorie und Homogenisierung für Variationsprobleme

13:00-14:00  in Raum VSP 4 – HS 4 1.43

Robert Schippa (KIT)

Fourier restriction tools in dispersive PDE

16. Mai 2022

14:30-15:30 online unter

Christian Budde (University of the Free State Bloemfontein)

C_0-semigroups and beyond

16:10-17:10 in Raum VSP 1, Hörsaal 3.04

Giulio Romani (Università degli Studi dell`Insubria)

Existence and qualitative properties of solutions of elliptic problems

10. Mai 2022

Christoforos Neofytidis (Ohio State University)

Aspherical manifolds and endomorphisms of their fundamental groups

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19. April 2022

Stephan Mescher (MLU Halle)

Spherical complexities and closed geodesics

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Weitere Termine werden fortlaufend ergänzt.

Wintersemester 2021/22

8. Februar 2022

Filip Soudsky (TU Liberec)

Optimality of gradient-type estimates

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1. Februar 2022

Wolfgang Reichel (KIT)

Spatially localized time-periodic solutions of semilinear wave equations

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25. Januar 2022

Daan van Dijk (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)

The semilinear Cahn-Hilliard-Gurtin-System in critical spaces

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11. Januar 2022

Dustin Löbert (MLU Halle)

Verteidigung der Masterarbeit "Topological degree on cones in Fréchet spaces with application to solitary waves"

14. Dezember 2021

Mathias Ionescu-Tira (MLU Halle)

An evolutionary perspective on Maxwell's equations

7. Dezember 2021

Thomas Rot (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

Proper homotopy classes of non-linear Fredholm mappings

(Online talk, please contact the analysis group if you want to join)

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30. November 2021

Leonid Ryvkin (Uni Göttingen)

Variational formulations of Dirac dynamics

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23. November 2021

Joachim Toft (Linnaeus/Växjö University)

Small test function and large distribution spaces, and their images under the Bargmann transform

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16. November 2021

Jacobo Pejsachowicz (Politecnico di Torino)

Economical crisis and branching

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9. November 2021

Daniel Tietz (MLU Halle)

On the Numerics of Approximative Wave Packets in Maxwell's Equations

2. November 2021

Robert Skiba (Nikolaus-Kopernikus-Universität Torun)

A topological approach to ordinary differential equations

19. Oktober 2021

Runan He (MLU Halle)

Sommersemester 2021

Die Professur für Angewandte Analysis und die Professur für Funktionalanalysis veranstalten gemeinsam donnerstags von 11:00 - 12:00 Uhr ein Oberseminar. Bis auf weiteres werden die Vorträge zunächst online stattfinden.

Wintersemester 2020/21

Die Professur für Angewandte Analysis und die Professur für Funktional-analysis veranstalten gemeinsam montags von 11.00 bis 12:00 Uhr  im Seminarraum 1 im Georg-Cantor-Haus ein Oberseminar.

Sommersemester 2020

Aufgrund der Corona-Einschränkungen fand das Oberseminar der Professur für Angewandte Analysis und die Professur für Funktionalanalysis im Sommersemester 2020 bis auf einen Online-Vortrag (siehe Newsarchiv) nicht statt.

Wintersemester 2019/20

Die Professur für Angewandte Analysis und die Professur für Funktionalanalysis veranstalteten gemeinsam mittwochs, 16.15 Uhr, im Seminarraum 1 im Georg-Cantor-Haus ein Oberseminar.

Vorträge hierzu siehe Newsarchiv (Link unten auf der Seite).


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